COLLECTIVE (hands-on, cooking, cornutopia)
October 10 - October 12, 2013
@ 5:30pm - 9:30pm (Meal at 7:30pm)
Thursday: Sonoran-Desert Post-Apocalyptic Tortillas
Friday: Campfire Corn Soup with Cornbread
Saturday: Monte Verità Polenta Bar
The people can choose to be in an active or passive state to be part of the meal preparation or drop in for the eating.
The Scenic Superficial Garage Resort becomes a 3-day gathering and social sculpture, it invites friends, artists and guests to practice, to witness, to move, to share, to eat, to relax and to converse. How food can become a conscious collective act of embodiment and a form of artistic practice with aesthetic and critical perspective in our time? During COLLECTIVE, Swiss Gastronomy Advisor Martina Haenggi will offer her hands-on cooking expertise while Nancye creates the fire ritual and Andrea offers singular movement exploration using fingertips to scroll, to zoom, to get closer to the COLLECTIVE landscape, a linkage between gazing and touching, a physical contact. We encourage you to spend some time to experience COLLECTIVE in all its facets and if time permits come for all 3 days to experience the full cornutopia.
Join us at 1067 Pacific Street, Brooklyn,
Bring currency and/or raw food products to support the collective meal.
Onward to COLLECTIVE :)
1067 PacificPeople
Twitter: @1067PacificPeop
ABOUT: 1067 PacificPeople Installation/Performance research field work SCENIC SUPERFICIAL GARAGE RESORT gets built on:
“The desire to be touched by something. Untouched. Desert. Landscape Touched. Altered. Human interference. Desertification. Desire expresses movement. Movement expresses Desire. Movement includes the missing. The failed communication. Desire to express the failed communication. Desire to Produce Affections and Sensations to address the uneasy sense of dislocation and detachment that hangs in the air.”
Ø Signs of affection in the urban desert landscapes
Ø An act of enclosure, erasure and devotion derived, in part, from artist Andrea Haenggi’s participation in the mobile desert performance Shuttle, ( moving through the desert of the American South West with eight other artists in a Chevy Van with its fleeting ecological diverse desert landscape and social temporality and her studio research into aesthetic, political, cultural and environmental of the deserts beauty, control, wilderness, death.
Ø An investigation into the “experience economy”.
Ø Finding new forms of somatic dance/art/theater served hotdrylow
Ø Looking for diversities in creative practices and disciplines